Monday, May 3, 2010

First Coast Kids Triathlon

This past weekend was Z's first triathlon - and it was so neat to watch! He was "anxious" - nervous and excited about the whole thing, but he did a great job and can't wait to do the next one. The event was at UNF and was comprised of swimming 4 lengths of the pool, biking 3 miles and running 1/2 a mile. The kids did transitions sans parents (with lots of volunteer help) - and learned a lot more than how to do a triathlon.

Zack actually ended up coming in 7th in his age group - Go Zack! I highly recommend the experience - and like I said, he had a blast!! Big kudos to the event organizers - we'll definitely be back next year!

EVERYONE had fun...and Zack had tons of cheerleaders! Zoe had fun playing with Ya Ya, Uncle Brian and Jack, and Aunt Laura and Uncle Chuck got in on the action as well!! Thanks to all the Tri supporters!

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