Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Tooth Fairy is broke.

Zack used his teeth to open a water bottle yesterday and ended up pretty much pulling another tooth out (Chris helped a bit...). The Tooth Fairy visited again last night - and left Zack a crisp $5 bill. We're thinking (hoping) this is the last one for a while...

Zoe had one of her last dance classes tonight and got another sticker on her "focusing" chart....we are so glad that her teachers have no problem getting her to focus...and are considering a focusing chart at home :)

Zoe only has a couple dance classes left before her recital - and since she's not planning on doing dance next year, she's starting to get sad about leaving her teacher. She's not too fond of the tights, but she loves her some Miss Alexis. Aren't they cute?

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